What Our Clients Are Saying About Us
We are privileged to work with mission-driven and dedicated clients. Below are a few thoughts that they shared about our work together:
“Susan’s sage advice, insightful tips, and fun and realistic role play has built our team’s comfort and confidence from the first visit in the hospital to accelerating the evolution of our organization’s culture of philanthropy. Her coaching and toolkits provided insightful advice and a strategic framework for our experienced fundraisers to make visits with patients and families both comfortable and productive. From the Philanthropy Staff to the CEO, we have crafted consistent, effective signature language and put our integrated program into action.” — Stephanie Truesdell, Former Vice President, Philanthropy and Communications, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital - Milton
Staff from Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital - Milton work in small groups at a Bold Asking® workshop in Milton, MA.
“The Bold Asking Workshop was a wonderful learning opportunity for everyone on our Board. There is a true art and science to this process and Vision Philanthropy Group was successful in communicating both aspects clearly. I loved planning the questions and how logical it was once we understood what type of call we were going on. Of course, this is very new to all of us, but with a little practice, I have no doubt we will be successful. Thank you, again!” — Kelly Roy Meyers, Board Chair, United Way of Williamson County
“Thank you for sharing your knowledge and skills with United Way of Williamson County’s Major Gifts and Planned Giving staff, Task Force Committee, Board of Directors and CEO. The investment in your workshop was critical in helping us launch our Endowment Campaign. Thanks to VPG’s leadership and guidance, we are better equipped to have a successful Endowment Campaign. The Bold Asking Workshop and follow up lunch ‘n learn were instrumental in preparing our Board of Directors and staff to make the “bold” ask. in addition, it provided each of us with the critical prep work tips and and talking points that are necessary before making your first phone call. We made a wise investment when we collaborated with Vision Philanthropy.” — Pam Bryant, CEO/President, United Way of Williamson County
VPG President, Susan Holt, leads Bold Asking® training for board and staff at Williamson Medical Center in Franklin, TN.
"We have recently made our first foray into the world of a capital campaign to raise funds for a major multimillion dollar building project. I cannot imagine embarking on this project without the guidance of Vision Philanthropy Group. Being inexperienced fundraisers we asked for coaching in the ‘art of Bold Asking.’ With that coaching they have given us the tools and the language we need to craft successful conversations with our prospects and donors. I now have the confidence I need to be a comfortable and effective ‘asker’ for our historic campaign." — Starling C. Evins, M.D., FACS Chief Medical Officer Emeritus, Williamson Medical Center
“When we began our fundraising campaign, most of us were well-intentioned but new to the art of sharing our story and in making “the ask” in our conversation with our friends, family and others regarding our campaign and the new Children's Hospital. The passion and the belief in our project was there, but the knowledge and skill of how to say what needed to be said to engage our prospects was something that we needed help with. With coaching in the “art of Bold Asking”, we became comfortable and most importantly confident in the fundraising process and learned thoughtful and effective tools which helped us convey excitement about our project and master the art of "The Ask”. We experienced great success as a result and even enjoy being involved in the campaign!" —James R Parker, CFP®, CRPC®, Vice President and Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley, Chairman, Close to Home Campaign, Williamson Medical Center
“Engaging board members in fundraising can be one of most challenging tasks for any fundraising professional. Not because boards don’t want to be of help, but because they don’t feel equipped. The Bold Asking training provided precisely what our board members need to feel armed to make partner with the staff in the bold ask. The training was customized for our organization and our board. Everyone left the training feeling prepared to use their signature language to help secure the funding we need to advance our mission. I highly recommend the training for both new and experienced board members and development teams.” — Diane Douglass, VP, Development, Our House
“So often in the non-profit world, opportunities to involve philanthropists in the transformative work we do are completely missed, simply because we don’t know how to ask. Vision Philanthropy Group has provided our organization with key coaching in strategic conversations with current and prospective donors, helping us transform our fear of “asking” into bold enthusiasm at the opportunity to forge philanthropic partnerships. The guidance provided by Vision Philanthropy Group has been incredibly impactful and we look forward to continuing to work with them to grow our fundraising efforts to new heights of excellence.” — April Bragg, Ph.D., Former Vice President for Advancement, Centerstone Research Institute
Staff from Centerstone Research Institute practice having strategic donor conversations during a Bold Asking® workshop.